
Embarcadero Media readers, like the Bay Area, are unique in that they have different education levels, socioeconomic statuses, ethnicities, lifestyles, living situations and interests. Aside from visiting our website multiple times per week, they love to try new restaurants, explore outdoors, take on home-improvement projects and stay active in mind and body.

If you're interested in learning more about opportunities, please contact us.


Digital Readers

Website Average monthly total visits
Palo Alto Online 339,500
Mountain View Voice 123,600
The Almanac 155,000
Pleasanton Weekly 146,500
Danville/San Ramon 72,600
The Six Fifty 16,000
RWC Pulse 84,300
Livermore Vine 25,400
Total 962,900

Email Stats

Newsletter Opt-in Subscribers
Express Daily News Headlines 73,600
Weekend Express 32,800
Peninsula Foodist 20,700
The Six Fifty 8,200
Tri-Valley Preps Playbook 1,400
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Print Readers

Publication Circulation
Palo Alto Weekly 20,000
The Almanac 9,500
Pleasanton Weekly 9,500
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Age & Gender

Our average online reader is 50 years old and the average print reader is 60 years old. More than 50% of all readers are between 45 to 65 years old and 53% of them are women.


Age: Online

Age: Print


Over 87% of our readers have at least a Bachelor's degree.


More than 7 of 10 readers own a home. 20% rent.

Household income

54.1% of our readers make between $100-$400k/year.

What they do

plan on spending an average of $8,000 on home development and/or landscaping

will engage in regular exercise

plan to invest in continuing education

will participate in Yoga or Pilates

will travel

plan to attend a museum

will visit San Francisco and/or Monterey/Carmel

eat out at least once per week and 20% of them plan to spend over $40 per person

How they read

of our online readers visit our websites frequently (multiple days per week)

of our online visitors also read our print papers regularly