Join Us for This Live Debate
Hosted by Embarcadero Media Foundation's Palo Alto Online, Menlo Park Almanac and Mountain View Voice
U.S. House of Representatives Candidates' Debate
Hosted by Embarcadero Media Foundation's Palo Alto Online, Menlo Park Almanac and Mountain View Voice
U.S. House of Representatives Candidates' Debate
Wednesday, Jan. 31
7 – 9 p.m. at Palo Alto City Council Chambers, City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

Joby Bernstein (D)

Peter Dixon (D)

Rishi Kumar (D)

Sam Liccardo (D)

Evan Low (D)

Julie Lythcott-Haims (D)

Ahmed Mostafa (D)

Peter Ohtaki (R)

Joe Simitian (D)

Greg Tanaka (D)
Moderators: Gennady Sheyner, Reporter, Palo Alto Weekly
Zoe Morgan, Reporter, Mountain View Voice
Who will fill the U.S. House of Representatives District 16 seat when U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo retires this year? Come hear from the candidates, live and in person. The event will also be live streamed on YouTube and broadcast on cable TV channel 30 by the Midpeninsula Media Center. California's open primary election is Tuesday, March 5. Voters can vote for any candidate regardless of party affiliation. The top two in the primary will face off in November unless one candidate receives more than 50%.
The 16th District runs from Pacifica to Los Gatos and includes the Midpeninsula. Sponsored by Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Online, Mountain View Voice, The Almanac, Palo Alto Neighborhoods and the Midpeninsula Media Center
Got questions for the candidates? Email them to [email protected] by Jan. 29.
Get ready for the debate by reading profiles of the candidates by Palo Alto Weekly reporter Gennady Sheyner: Who will succeed Eshoo? Here are the candidates
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